Remedies for Ulcers, Gastritis & Colititis

An ulcer is a discontinuity or break in a bodily membrane that impedes the organ of which that membrane is a part from continuing its normal functions.
We have the best solution for this diseas.

Gastritis-is the inflammation and irritation of the stomach membranes.

Colititis-is the inflammation of the colon membrane.

Ulcers-is the irritation of the stomach wall.

A gastric ulcer is a wound in the stomach walls.

1. Dispensia-bad digestion
2. Vomiting or bleeding can occur
3. Headaches
4. Burning sensation and discomfort
5. The extreem may be black in colour from blood in it.

1. Excess alcohol and coffee
2. Fried and spicy food
3. Excessive stress
4. When gastritis persists it causes gastric ulcers

Suggested treatment:
1. Eliminate spices, hot peppers, alcohol, coffee, fried and other related
2. Irritating dishes as well as aspirin
3. Eat milk, cream, cheese, oatmeal and bananas
4. Eat bland foods such as boiled eggs, potatoes, pasta soups and crackers.

1. Aloe gel (juice)
It is anti-inflamatory, pain inhibitor, antibiotic, cell regenarator, digestive, alkaline, fiber.

2. Lycium plus
(If suffering from high blood pressure, cunsult physician). It prevents the formation of stomach and deudenal ulcers. Very effective.

3. Bee propolis & Garlic thyme:
natural anti-biotic, kills bacteria and viruses. Strengthens the immune system.

4. A beta care:
a powerful anti-oxidant, helps resist infections, repairs and maintains body tissue.

5. Fields of green:
contains alfalfa and extracts from fresh farm produce, has a high pH neutralises acidity.

A combination of these products when taken together will be helpfully.

Email us via: to place your order or call your nearest independent distributor. We are working in more than 150 countries.
We are an Independent Distributor of Forever Living Products.
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