Are employee happy with their work?
Are their needs for belonging, development, and meaningful work met? Do they have the communication, problem solving, feedback, and recognition that they need from their boss? Do you know that no matter what the hardships or state of the world economy, your job will always be there for you and your salary will never be affected? Does your organization made you feel part of it and appreciate employees, treat them with respect, and provide compensation, benefits, and perks that demonstrate respect and caring? I'm guessing the answer is no.The best that most people have in respect to their job is that is 'pretty secure'. But that doesn't make you feel safe. That just makes you feel slightly less concerned than somebody else in a 9-5 job (9 hours x 5 Days in a week) while you can work anywhere within four hours and makes pretty money. Because that safety and security is not there, you can never be truly free.
You are constantly going into 'what if' territory.
What if your
hours are cut?
What if the
overtime stops?
What if a
new boss comes in and doesn't like you?
What if you
start struggling to pay the bills?
So your 9-5 has not brought you
any sort of safety or security.
If you are in a typical 9-5 type job, then you probably have to be at work at a set time, so that means waking up and leaving home at a certain time. You get your lunch break at a certain time and then leave at a fixed time to travel home. I am guessing you also ask permission to go for leave from your employer, which you may be accepted or rejected. Here there is no Freedom of Time.

JOBS won't allow you to follow spouses across the country, stay home with children, and go back to school anytime because are tough reasons to address to your boss since they involve life events in the employee’s world outside of work.
You will never be free if you are not safe and you will never be safe if somebody else controls your job and the level of reward they decide you should have. There is a way to work towards safety and ultimately the freedom you want.
What's the solution Employees supposed do?
The opportunities to earn money and work from home have never been more abundant. I joined forces with Forever Living Products who are not only a trusted and ethical business, but also provide top level marketing training that can be used to assist in the success you have with any other Network Marketing company you may try.
Aren't You wish to Quit Your Job?
Most of Employees wish to quit their job but they can not because of many reasons, I am not saying quit your current job. I am telling you that, you can start working as a part time with Forever Living Products and at the right time you may quit and work full time. With the knowledge you gain from the training, you can finally start working towards being your own boss and achieving that freedom at last.Do you still feel safe in your job?
“There is a difference between doing the next thing right, and doing the next right thing.” - Peter F. Drucker
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